
MOD-CSS supports CSS breakpoints based on media queries like most popular CSS frameworks.
We have six(6) breakpoints from small screen to very large.

Our breakpoints can be use with all MOD properties and all MOD attributes.
See below for examples.

Handling our CSS breakpoints

  • xs = Extra small < 575.98px
  • sm = Small ≥ 576px
  • md = Medium ≥ 768px
  • lg = Large ≥ 992px
  • xl = Extra Large ≥ 1200px
  • xxl = Very Extra Large ≥ 1400px

Media queries
Prefixes Media query CSS Breakpoints Usage
xs @media only screen and (max-width: 575.98px) Screen Width below 575.98px Portrait mobile
sm @media (min-width: 576px) Screen Width above or equal 576px Landscape mobile
md @media (min-width: 768px) Screen Width above or equal 768px Portrait tablet
lg @media (min-width: 992px) Screen Width above or equal 992px Landscape tablet & Laptop
xl @media (min-width: 1200px) Screen Width above or equal 1200px Desktop & Tvs
xxl @media (min-width: 1400px) Screen Width above or equal 1400px 4k and more

How to use it

You call breakpoint with corresponding prefix follows by "?". You put space before to write your mod property.
[prefix? property]


A breakpoint start by "||" if you call it in middle string.
[property] || [prefix2? property]


If you want to call a another breakpoint after or set another properties, it ends by "||" .
[prefix1? property] || [property] or [prefix1? property] || [prefix2? property]


Mod respects order of your breakpoints while properties's generation. So, set them from the smallest to the biggest to avoid errors.
Check Ordering.

Good practice

To improve your understanding of how to work our media query system, with have list some examples with good syntax and bad syntax.
MOD-CSS is very intuitive once you understand functionning, please compare carefully good and bad practice .

Ever put "?"

Don’t forget "?"
Don’t put space between prefix and "?"



Mod respects order of your breakpoints while properties's generation. So set them from the smallest to the biggest to avoid errors.


When it starts with ||

Breakpoint(s) always starts by double "||" - unless at the beginning of the string.


When it ends with ||

Breakpoint(s) always ends by double "||" - unless you have nothing more to put after.